2700 SE 34th Ave : : Amarillo, TX 79103 : : (806) 373-4190


We do our best to maintain a vibrant and active community within the church, and this includes regularly occurring and special events. You can keep track of these fellowship and service activities here.

  • Weekly

    CT Connect

    Wednesday | 06:05pm

    We’ll share a simple supper together provided by various members of the church followed by bible classes for all ages beginning at 7:00 PM. The purpose of this time is to not only share a meal but to connect with one another.

  • Weekly

    Bible Class

    9:15am Sunday, 7:00pm Wednesday

    Our adult education focuses on understanding what the Bible meant to its original audiences and then seeking to apply those principles to our circumstances. We do this through textual or topical studies. Every quarter the Adult Education Ministry Team prayerfully selects several teachers to cover a variety of topics based on each teacher’s passions and what we feel will most benefit the body.

  • Monthly

    Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

    Saturday | 08:30am

    This is a time for men and boys to share Christian values through life experiences. We have great cooks, and a core of mature Christian men who are dedicated to CHRIST and to helping others! Come join us on the 1st Saturday next month; we look forward to sharing with YOU!

    1st Saturday of every month, doors open at 7am for games and fellowship, FREE hearty breakfast served at 8:30am

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